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Earthquake Proof Beds Can Save Your Life

Protect your life during earthquakes with these innovative beds

Earthquake-proof beds can save your life

Here are three clever earthquake-proof beds that can seal the user inside a protective box at the time of a tremor. Moreover, some of these even make your bed!

Dahir Insaat's Safe Bed

This earthquake-proof bed by Dahir Insaat transforms into a safety chamber in the event of an earthquake. Safe bed as its called is built with a lot of protective features.

The earthquake protection bed uses an activation trigger from a sensory box that consists of accelerometers, gyro sensors, microcontroller circuits running custom software.

Russian inventor creates a nightmarish earthquake-proof bed

Russian inventor creates nightmarish earthquake-proof bed that seals its occupants in a metal box. You might be saved from an earthquake but you’re in for a long night.

Chinese inventor comes up with a high-tech earthquake-proof bed

A high-tech bed that protects you from falling debris and keeps you safe during an earthquake is a great idea in theory. But a Chinese inventor has come up with a bed that does more than that.
